Saturday, May 10, 2008

A gift from God for sure

Why not try a bottle? Order from here:

Another wonderful news in our group coming from Crawfordsville, Indiana about the performance of StemEnhance. I have known Bishop Robert Miller since 1983. I talked to him about StemEnhance back in March of 2008 when he got the video and some samples that I sent him. He told me that he watched the video and was pretty impressed. He took the capsules that I sent him but he only took one a day, because there were only 10 capsules in the pack that I sent. He told me at that time that he had a heart condition and that the doctor wanted to do an open heart surgery on him. When the capsules ran out, his son, Pastor Nathan ordered six bottles and also came in as a distributor. The date of his registration is March 31, 2008. He got his products a week after that and immediately Bishop Miller took two capsules every six hours. Sis. Miller also did the same. Bishop Miller was scheduled to do his open heart surgery tha last week of April. In other words, the doctors had judged that his heart condition was bad enough and so it required a by-pass. Bishop Miller has been taking StemEnhance for about a month when he went to the hospital for his schedule to do the open heart surgery. When he came to the hospital, the doctors were prepared to do the operation. The doctors checked him out before they would open him up. But alas and behold the doctors saw that his heart condition greatly improved. After seeing the improved condition of his heart, the doctors sent him home saying that he did not need the surgery. When I heard Pastor Nathan telling me about this news, I was so dumbfounded. And I praised the Lord for it. I don't know what really happened, but I thought that perhaps StemEnhance helped his heart condition greatlly. Needless to say, Pastor Nathan became a believer of the product and he just started taking 4 capsules a day. Praise the good Lord for His wonderful acts through StemEnhance.

"Adult Stem Cells are already being used clinically to treat many diseases in human patients. These include reparative treatments with various cancers, autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, arthritis, anemia’s including sickle cell anemia and immunodeficiencies. Adult Stem cells are also being used to treat patients by formation of cartilage, new corneas to restore sight to blind patients, treatments for strokes and several groups are using Adult Stem cells with patients to repair damage after heart attacks. Early clinical trials have shown initial success in patient treatment’s for Parkinson’s disease and spinal cord injury. And the first FDA-approved trial …"

"While in South Africa recently a business associate of mine showed me the new hair growth coming in, which adult stem cells will often do when repairing the body. This person also has myelin sheath degeneration (MS) and is looking forward to the results of an upcoming brain scan to see the impact adult stem cells have had on this condition."

"A couple of weeks later, while my husband was washing his face, he noticed several brown spots, which had been on his cheek for years, literally washed off; and there was new skin in place. Who would have thought Adult Stem Cells would do this?"

"A friend sent me 2 bottles of the original Stem Cell Enhancer in October of 2005. I was intrigued by what I had heard and read about the product, although it was new and the company had not yet formerly launched. However, with no expectations, I started taking 2 capsules in the morning, and my husband 2 capsules 2x a day.
A week later we were at a conference in Southern California to listen to the neurophysiologist and co-creator behind the Stem Cell Enhancer product. AT 8am, in my hotel room, I attempted to collect hot water from the coffee maker in order to make a cup of green tea. Somehow I burned my fore finger when it touched the hot plate of the coffee maker. A blister immediately appeared and began to fill with fluid.
Not having anything in my luggage to treat this burn, I ignored it as best I could and attended the conference. Later that afternoon, I remembered my finger and the burn. To my shock, the blister was gone. I looked at all of my fingers, thinking maybe I had the wrong finger. I suddenly remembered the two capsules I had taken that morning, and instantly realized that …

"Three months ago my uncle was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis, in particular Jean Pierre condition. He was in a wheel chair, could not moved and he started to take the Stem Cell Enhancer Product. Three months passed and he is out of the wheel chair, walking and doing everything that he used to do. He is 80 years old. The doctors on VA Hospital can not believe it .How can you ,the staff or doctor, explain this? "

"I just read the material on your site concerning StemEnhance and what I understand you to say are "dubious" claims from someone wanting to sell a product. I am a 63 year old male who has experienced a few challenges in life... I have FSHMD and have been confined to a wheel chair for 19 years. I have broken my back 3 times, had my gall bladder removed, suffered serious heart attack 19 years ago and had quad bi-pass surgery in Portland, Oregon. I also have 2 types of arthritis in my hands. I work on the computer doing research and web sites... In doing research on Muscular Dystrophy, I came across a study that had used adult stem cells on dog's to develop muscle tissue - the dog's improved and were even able to jump and climb stairs... I also came across some material about StemEnhance and decided to give it a try... The first mistake I made was in not taking some before pictures... I started taking the capsules, 2 a day, and noticed that the "old age spots" on my hands and arms were fading - no big deal to me, but then in about 2 weeks I found I could make a fist with my right hand - a tight fist...!! I had not been able to do this for several years - then my left hand started to function again, I can even type again without much pain and discomfort... Then I noticed that I could sleep on my back without having pain and more pain.. Did I mention that I have a "bad" back? If you could see it you would probably cry, L2-5 are fused in an arc of nearly 30 degrees, causing me to be "sway backed" and putting pressure on points not intended for that... For the last 5 years, someone had to lift my left leg to place my foot on the rest on my power chair, guess what --- I can now lift that leg without assistance to the platform... Now this is not "hype" trying to sell you or anyone else anything, just the plain simple truth. I would hope that others might find the same relief from pain as I did from taking StemEnhance... Am I cured of anything? Probably not, however I have been able to stop the medication I was taking for arthritis and I have mobility where I haven't had it for years."

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Adult Stem Cells...

There is no other product that was brought out by President Bush in his State Of The Nation Address but "ADULT STEM CELLS." There is not just enough space here to talk about the healing that this AFA is doing to so many, many people. Go to my website and study about the product and the business. Be a distributor.

Dr. John E. Ayudtud

Friday, February 1, 2008

MORINGA, Lets help the underfed or overfed malnourished

This program will allow young people to simply become radical in helping people in the world through proper nutrition, and then raise lots of money too.

Learn the program here:


additional videos:

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Zija, Moringa, Now Comfortably In Can and Powder Mix

It's the most powerful network marketing product in the world now... POWERFUL FUNDRAISING for organizations.
Order your Zija or become a distributor:
Or send email to


"Ayurvedic"- Ayu- Life, Vedic- knowledge... from Indian tradition.

From Unesco Website:, has this article: “In India, tradition maintains that the Moringa tree can cure 300 diseases, and local herbalists make extensive use of Moringa products to treat a host of ailments, including diabetes, ulcers, high blood pressure, pedal edema and kidney pains.” Unesco is now planting huge Moringa plantation in Brazil and Senegal to help counter malnutrition in the world.

From Los Angeles Times, Author Mark Fritz:

“Scientifically speaking, Moringa sounds like magic. It can rebuild weak bones, enrich anemic blood and enable a malnourished mother to nurse her starving baby. Ounce for ounce, it has the calcium of four glasses of milk, the Vitamin C of seven oranges and the potassium of three bananas.“Moringa has triple the iron of spinach and more impressive attributes than olive oil. “Both Moringa and the common carrot are diamonds in the roughage department, but Moringa has quadruple the beta carotene, which is good for the eyes and effective against cancer. The Bethesda, Md.-based International Eye Foundation is using Moringa in Malawi because it's loaded with Vitamin A, the lack of which causes 70% of childhood blindness.
“A star of the project was Awa Diedhou, an infant born weighing 3 pounds, 5 ounces. Her mother couldn't produce sufficient milk and the child was given little chance to survive. On a Moringa-supplemented diet, the child quickly grew "quite fat," Fuglie said, and the mother began producing milk.
“Beri beri, rickets and scurvy are among the diseases caused by the lack of nutrients that are abundant in Moringa. Three spoonfuls of Moringa leaf powder contain 272% of a typical toddler's daily Vitamin A requirement, along with 42% of the protein, 125% of the calcium,, 71% of the iron and 22% of the Vitamin C. It contains a full complement of minerals and all the amino acids of meat.”


“I used Lipitor for three years because of high cholesterol. Now, after Zija, I do not have to use the drug anymore. I was size 12 before Zija. Now, after using Zija only for four months, I came down to size 8.” Grace de la Cerna, Jersey City

“I was in body pains for three days, then I used Zija and the pains disappeared.” Rudy Sario, Staten Island


Sunday, January 27, 2008


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